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Dec 22, 2020


How to Trade Binance Leverage Tokens (BVLTs) and make profits

Binance Leverage Tokens (BVLTs) are a special type of tokens or cryptocurrencies that allows you to profit from the fluctuations in the price of an underlying asset in the Binance Future Market. This simply means BVLTs enable you make profits by predicting or trading the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies without directly trading the Cryptocurrency.

BVLTs always exist in Ups and DOWNs, meaning you can trade cryptos moving up and going down. Examples of BVLTs are BTCUP-BITDOWN, DOTUP-DOTDOWN, AAVEUP-AAVEDOWN, UNIUP-UNIDOWN e.t.c.

Binance Leverage Tokens (BVLTs)

How do I make profits?

Its profits are not variable, it is fixed allows between 1.5x to 3x leverage on your capital, also you don’t need to panic because it is not affected by liquidity in the market.

Profits from BLVTs are called Net Asset Value (NAV).

How to Trade BVLTs

Since these tokens exist in UPs and DOWNs, For example, if Mark invest $100 in BTCUP( that is; he is predicting BTC will go up) and BTC eventually goes up by 5%, he will get a leverage of 5% multiplied by 3x(the fixed trading leverage on capital) which is equal to 15%, which is also equal to $15, that is Mark will be left with a $100(capital) + $15 which is equal to $115.

If He then invests $100 in BTCDOWN ( that is; he is predicting BTC will go down) and BTC eventually goes down by 5%, he will get a leverage of 5% multiplied by 3x(the fixed trading leverage on capital) which is equal to 15%, which is also equal to $15, that is Mark will be left with a $100(capital) + $15 which is equal to $115.

Risks/Loss Involved

The risk involved is that if after investing in BITUP at getting $115 in return, he predicts BTC will go down, and unfortunately, BTC goes up by 5%, he will lose 5% multiplied by 3x(the fixed trading leverage on capital) which is equal to 15%, which is also equal to $15, that is Mark will be left with $115 - $15 loss which is equal to $97.75.

binance leverage tokens examples

How to Exit Trade

To exit a trade after making your profit, you just need to click on redeem in your trade area and the token will automatically be changed to your FIAT coin.


i.          i.   You need to know the actual value of Cryptocurrency involved in the future                      market.

ii.         ii.  You need to analyze the crypto involved to know if it will go up or down.

As we all know, all trades are risky, but to get loss to the nearest minimum you need to do this trading according to what your technical or fundamental analysis instinct is dictating.