Dec 29, 2020


Mental Hygiene - How to develop a good Mindset

Mental Hygiene - How to develop a good Mindset

Mental hygiene: The concern and care for a 'clean', healthy (state of) mind (conscience and thought). This simply means mental cleanliness.

"No one flies higher than his mind allows". Your mental well-being is very paramount for any kind of success, fulfillment, and achievement, Deficiency in your mental health will surely lead to collapse, which you may find it very hard to recover from.

Your Mentality is your mindset; your way of thinking, judging, abstract reasoning, and understanding. It is the characteristic attitude of the mind.

Your Mind governs your thoughts and imaginations which later interpret into your actions, steps, character, and attitude; it also governs your intellectual process which is the faculty of thinking, judging, abstract reasoning, and understanding. It is a personality, with characteristics and attitude.

The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart (Mind), so is he”. For example Your Journey into Financial Buoyancy begins with your mentality (your thoughts and reasoning) for wealth, so you have to be mentally well to achieve that goal.

Your Mind is your thought space; it controls your internal state of being, and also your voluntary/involuntary physiological response to an object or situation while your Mentality is the product of your mental processes.

The Beauty of Your Mind and Mentality is that you are in full control of it. You have the capacity to renew your mind, to re-channel your thoughts, to think Big and think right.

The Beauty of Your Mind and Mentality

For any kind of success and greatness you need and have to keep the right mindset because your mind is your inner commandant; its governs you, moves you, directs you, and channel you. 

Mental Hygiene is very important and essential because without proper mental cleanliness, you tends to take the wrong steps, fall by the wayside, and often get frustrated virtually by anything.

Benefits of Mental Hygiene  

  • There will be a focus: with mental hygiene in place you will surely have focus, your attention will be concentrated on your goals, and there will be no distractions; even if there are distractions you will be able to get over it easily.  
  • You Tends to forget failures and move on: with mental hygiene, you be able to surely forget failures, embrace success, and zoom through till you get to your goal.
  • Longevity of life: Mental hygiene gives you a healthy condition; you will be free from frustrations, grudges, malfunctioning and illness (which may erupt from a mental disorder, brain overstress etc.). You will be well!  
  • You will be able to forgive and forget: Mental Cleanliness makes you automatically or almost automatically forgive anyone and anywhere, because when you are mentally clean you won’t want to halt that good state of mind of yours, you will just have to let go and move on.

How to enjoy and create a Hygienic Mind?  

How to enjoy and create a Hygienic Mind

  • Renew your mind: what you think matters in determining what you become in life. Determine to make a U-turn, move for a change.  
  • Read motivational book: Motivation is very essential in Mental Hygiene because it encourages, propel and always push you forward.
  • Study the word of God: The effectiveness and essentiality of Religious Books, Bible or Quran can never be overemphasized, It brings peace, assurance, and mental order to you, they tend to give you a cool mind to go for your goals, they also console you when frustrated. So always endeavor to read them.  
  • Keep good communications and associations: “evil communication corrupt good manners” to develop or enjoy mental cleanliness you have to keep good and health friends and friendship, because friendship goes a long way in determining your state of mind, your friends have the capacity to change you for good or otherwise.  
  • Always Think good: You have to always try to think good and positive always, because it tends to always keep you going, and also by thinking good; you tend to see from a very good perspective and not otherwise.  
  • Think Big: "No one flies higher than his mind allows” Train your mind to think big, never limit yourself, and always aim for the top.  
  • Learn to defeat your weaknesses: “Weaknesses are inevitable, but can be defeated ” We all have weaknesses, but our various abilities to defeat them make us king over it. Identify your weaknesses, study them, and aim to defeat it. It is a process, not a one-day job, but with time and effort, you will surely defeat it.  
  • Focus on your goals: Focus is the ability to concentrate your attention on something. This is very essential in goal setting and accomplishment, concentrate solely on your goals , and avoid distractions.  
  • Develop Self-esteem: Your self-esteem is your ability to be confident in yourself, the ability to value yourself and the ability to know your worth. This is a very essential phase of Personal development, “without believing you can get it, you won’t”.  
  • Ignore failure: Failure will surely come, mistakes are bound to happen, but, your ability to scale through makes you the Boss. Never get brokenhearted, always stay strong.  
  • Celebrate and enjoy yourself: “Choosing to live instead of just existing, is a good choice” Never undermine leisure and your successes, One of the aims of successes and achievement is to live well and comfortable, So whenever you are chanced or free, enjoy yourself, stay with your family, visit tourist centers, travel and explore. With this, you tend to learn new things, live healthily, and remain energetic.  
  • Never go back to your vomit: “It’s better not to get to the top rather than falling and going back to the start, you may never make it.” Always cross-check your life, make sure you are not on the path of destruction.
  • Always remember this: “Whatever you can't imagine, you can't make it happen”, “You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle or breakthrough”, “Being challenged in life is inevitable, but, being defeated is optional”.

You have to wake up, and BUILD THE RIGHT MINDSETS and push up for success.

Stay Safe and mentally hygienic…

Hope you work with these principles strictly and accordingly, and I bet you wouldn't regret it.

See you at the top...

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